Noi suntem soricei...
Chit chit
noi suntem soricei,
Chit chit
mici , tare frumusei.
Mama noastra ne tot spune:
luati de seama dragii mei
Ca pisica-i uricioasa
si mananca soricei.
Cand pisica nu-i acasa
soriceii stau pe masa,
Cand pisica se intoarce
vai vai vai ce le mai face.
miercuri, 27 octombrie 2010
marți, 26 octombrie 2010
Halloween Party
Dear parents,
On Monday, 1st of November from 9.30 we have Halloween Party !!!! The children can wear Halloween costumes and the all the activities will be within the theme: puppet theatre, music and dancing, face painting and lots and lots of fun !!!
On Monday, 1st of November from 9.30 we have Halloween Party !!!! The children can wear Halloween costumes and the all the activities will be within the theme: puppet theatre, music and dancing, face painting and lots and lots of fun !!!
There will be an additional cost of 30 RON/child, please send the money to the office by latest Friday !
Springfield Nursery School- on Antena 3
Hello again ,
This is the link to " Springfield Nursery on Antena 3 - Reporter Special " !
Enjoy !
This is the link to " Springfield Nursery on Antena 3 - Reporter Special " !
Enjoy !
Fun, fun, morning fun !
Good morning dear parents,
This is just a quick note to let you know that we are all fine and we are not crying anymore :).
These are just a few pics, but if you are curious you can view more at :
This is just a quick note to let you know that we are all fine and we are not crying anymore :).
These are just a few pics, but if you are curious you can view more at :
Little Dancers- optional de dans
Dear friends,
Our Little Dancers Club has just started. We all had fun today, dancing along or just watching :).
From next week we will be separated in age-groups , every Tuesday morning at 9.30.
If you think your child might be interested in dancing please let us know and he/she will join the group!
Dancing fees : 50 RON/ month
You can view more pictures at :
Our Little Dancers Club has just started. We all had fun today, dancing along or just watching :).
From next week we will be separated in age-groups , every Tuesday morning at 9.30.
If you think your child might be interested in dancing please let us know and he/she will join the group!
Dancing fees : 50 RON/ month
You can view more pictures at :
Little Musicians
We had fun singing new songs and getting ready for Christmas presentation !
Little Musicians- 5-6 years old |
sâmbătă, 23 octombrie 2010
Getting ready for winter !
Dear friends,
It's almost november so we are getting ready for winter. We worked hard today and the children will enjoy our home-made pickled and frozen vegetables.
It's almost november so we are getting ready for winter. We worked hard today and the children will enjoy our home-made pickled and frozen vegetables.
marți, 19 octombrie 2010
New songs at the Music Club !
Gr mare:
I had a little nut tree,
Nothing would it bear.
But a silver nutmeg,
And a golden pear;
The King of Spain's daughter
Came to visit me,
And all for the sake
Of my little nut tree.
Her dress was made of crimson,
Jet black was her hair,
She asked me for my nut tree
And my golden pear.
I said, "So fair a princess
Never did I see,
I'll give you all the fruit
From my little nut tree."
Gr mica:
Clap your hands touch your toes
Turn around and put yoir finger on your nose
Clap your hands jump up high
Wiggle your fingers and reach for the sky
Gr mijlocie
It's raining it' pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and bumped his head
And coudn't get up in the morning
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Little children wants to play
Rain rain go away
There is thunder, there is thunder
Hear it roar,here it roar
Pitter patter raindrops
Pitter patther raindrops
I'm all wet! i' m all wet
I had a little nut tree,
Nothing would it bear.
But a silver nutmeg,
And a golden pear;
The King of Spain's daughter
Came to visit me,
And all for the sake
Of my little nut tree.
Her dress was made of crimson,
Jet black was her hair,
She asked me for my nut tree
And my golden pear.
I said, "So fair a princess
Never did I see,
I'll give you all the fruit
From my little nut tree."
Gr mica:
Clap your hands touch your toes
Turn around and put yoir finger on your nose
Clap your hands jump up high
Wiggle your fingers and reach for the sky
Gr mijlocie
It's raining it' pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and bumped his head
And coudn't get up in the morning
Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Little children wants to play
Rain rain go away
There is thunder, there is thunder
Hear it roar,here it roar
Pitter patter raindrops
Pitter patther raindrops
I'm all wet! i' m all wet
vineri, 15 octombrie 2010
Reporter Special- O emisiune despre gradinitele particulare
Stimati parinti,
Samabata, 16.10.2010 ora 17.05, se va difuza emisiunea Reporter Special la Antena 3 in care sunt prezentate filmarile din Springfield Center alaturi de alte gradinite particulare din Bucuresti.
Samabata, 16.10.2010 ora 17.05, se va difuza emisiunea Reporter Special la Antena 3 in care sunt prezentate filmarile din Springfield Center alaturi de alte gradinite particulare din Bucuresti.
joi, 14 octombrie 2010
New pictures !
Dear friends,
New pictures have been added to our album. Please check them :
New pictures have been added to our album. Please check them :
luni, 11 octombrie 2010
Educatie muzicala - Cantecele noi
Gr. mare: Vine toamna
Vine toamna vine, prin vai si coline
Tra la la la la la la la
Zboara si cocorii, vesnic calatorii
Tra la la la la la la la
Refren: Am zbura si noi cocorilor cu voi
la la la la la la la
Dar suntem prea mici, ramanem aici
Tra la la la la la la la
Nu mai zboara fluturi, frunzele se scutur'
Tra la la la la la la la
Si se vad in zare carduri de cocoare
Tra la la la la la la la
Refren: Am zbura si noi cocorilor cu voi
la la la la la la la
Dar suntem prea mici, ramanem aici
Tra la la la la la la la
Gr. mijlocie: Piticii
Intr-o poienita de cum s-a-nserat
Doi pitici de-o schioapa au iesit la sfat
Au scufite rosii din floare de mac
Barbi de-un cot si cizme lucioase de lac
Refren: Tra la......................
Dar cand luna clara lin a rasarit
Si piticii nostri la drum au pornit
Pe sub tufe dese de trifoi si-urzici
Au ca felinare cate-un licurici
Refren: Tra la...........................
Gr. mica: Taraful Chit
Ne cunoaste-o lume-ntreaga
Noi suntem Taraful Chit
Jucausi si buni de saga
Suntem cantareti vestiti
Refren: Chit, chit chit chit
N-avem frica de pisici
Chit chit chit chit
Cand nu sunt pe aici
Cu o cobza si-o vioara
Cu un nai si-un contrabas
Dam concerte-n seri de vara
Si cantam asa pe nas
Refren: Chit, chit chit chit
N-avem frica de pisici
Chit chit chit chit
Cand nu sunt pe aici
Gr. cea mai mica: Cocoselul
Canta cocoselul dis de dimineata
Scoala-te copile, spala-te pe fata
Refren : Cucurigu, cucurigu
Cocoselul nostru striga-n gura mare
Pentru gradinita ora-i de plecare
Refren : Cucurigu, cucurigu
sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2010
cursuri de pian cls.I-IV
Dragi parinti,
A inceput optionalul de pian ! In fiecare luni si miercuri copiii dvs. pot beneficia de ore
de pian in intervalul de timp 15.30-19.30.
Cost : 50 RON/ 60 min. sau 25 RON/30 min- sedinta individuala
Little Ballet Dancers
Dear friends,
Next Thursday we are starting ballet dancing ! It's fun and had a great impact on the little girls.
The teacher is very nice and gentle, she comes from Russia and has good experience in working with young children. You will have the chance to see some of your child's progress at the Christmas presentation !
What do we practice ? The Flowers Waltz , Snowflakes Dance, White Swans Dance, Toys Dance, Little Soldiers March and a few others.
Cost : 20 RON/ 60 min.session, every Thursday from 10.30 AM.
Ne-am distrat pe cinste ! |
vineri, 8 octombrie 2010
Little Musicians- optional de educatie muzicala
Dragi parinti, va reamintim ca optionalul de educatie muzicala se desfasoara in fiecare luni dimineata intre 10.00-12.00. Costul sedintei este 5 RON/ 40 min.Doritorii sunt rugati sa confirme inscrierea.
Springfield Open Days
In intervalul 11-25 Octombrie se desfasoara Zilele Portilor Deschise. Va asteptam sa ne vizitati si sa primiti informatii despre programa, activitati educationale , extracurriculare si recreative.
Doritorii sunt rugati sa stabileasca o intalnire la tel.
Doritorii sunt rugati sa stabileasca o intalnire la tel.
Bun venit la Springfield Nursery School !
Dragi parinti si bunici,
Va asteptam pe blogul gradinitei noastre pentru a ne impartasi idei, sugestii si comentarii ! Dar mai presus de toate...pentru a ne cunoaste !
Va asteptam pe blogul gradinitei noastre pentru a ne impartasi idei, sugestii si comentarii ! Dar mai presus de toate...pentru a ne cunoaste !
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